Pickup From Store

Pickup From Store act as a shipping module that offer customers to choose store for order pickup.
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Pickup From Store

Customer is the king and making them comfortable while shopping is the objective of any ecommerce site. So accomplishing this, our extension lets customers choose a specific store from your chain of stores to pick up products during checkout.

If there is a chain of stores available, undoubtedly Customers will choose from the nearest one. How can this be possible? The answer is Magento Pickup from Storeextension – the most professional Magento shipping extension, which allows setting up multiple Magento stores, showing addresses and opening time of each store for the Customers’ convenience.

Pickup from Store extension provides you the opportunity to integrate this shipping method easily. It act as a shipping extension that offer customers to choose a specific store,from where order will be picked, from the stores list during checkout.

Proposed extension will allow admin to configure multiple store locations to be shown to customers while checkout. Store Pickup will be default to the closest location, but if desired customer can change location.

Extension Features:

  • Allow customer to select desired Pickup Location from a preferred store among multiple managed stores.
  • User Friendly, most required functionality,well designed and easy to control.
  • Simply Enable/Disable module using configuration option.
  • Create a new Magento shipping method
  • Eliminates the need to ship products and convenient to customers
  • Improves customer relationships when you get the opportunity to meet online customers at physical store
  • Create many stores, set addresses and sort order.
  • View print order with pickup from store information
  • View admin order,invoice,shipment and creditmemo with pickup from store information
  • Steps to show the pickup from store information in order emails

Extension Functionality:

  • 100% Open source.
  • Don't affect Magento core files.
  • Improve Sites usability and performance.
  • Developed using Magento programming guidelines.


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Magento Extension Installation Guide

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What is the Pickup From Store extension Magento?

Pickup from Store extension provides you the opportunity to integrate this shipping method easily. It act as a shipping extension that offer customers to choose a specific store,from where order will be picked, from the stores list during checkout.

How do I install the Pickup From Store extension?

  • Turn off Magento Cache in your store
  • Unzip the files into your Magento installation
  • Log out of Magento Admin and back in
  • Enable Pickup from store from System=>Configuration=>Pickup from store=>Enable Pickup from store

What do I need to configure?

  • Installed the extension.
  • Add the stores from the Pickup From Store => "Manage Pickup Stores"
  • Setup shipping method from System=>Configuration=>Shipping Methods=>Pickup from store

How to change appearance of Pickup from stores?

  • Pickup from Store extension provides a feature to show/hide the Pickup store Image and change layout as Grid/List format.
  • System=>Configuration=>Pickup from store=>Show Pickup store Image
  • System=>Configuration=>Pickup from store=>View Type

How to Set-up Pickup From Store Information into Email Templates

  • Navigate to System -> Transactional Emails
  • If you are currently using the Magento’s default email template, click ‘Add New Template’ and select your default template for the transactional email you would like to change and click ‘Load Template’. Otherwise, click on the template you are using and copy/paste the template content to your new email template.
  • Make the changes you would like to the new template and save the template. You can insert blocks to this template in a similar manner to a CMS page.
  • Navigate to System -> Configuration, then click on Sales -> Sales Emails on the left bottom of the page.
  • Select the configuration scope (store view or Magento install) that you would like to modify the email for, then open the drop down for the email type you wish to modify.
  • Change the template to your newly created template, and you’re set! {{block type="core/template" name="pickupfromstore_info" template="pickupfromstore/email/info.phtml" order=$order}}

Why buy our extensions?

Easy to Install and Manage

All our extensions are developed such that these can be easily installed and managed. In case, you find any issue installing it, you can always seek help from our team.

Fully Responsive

You will find our extensions work seamlessly on all devices, be it desktop, tablet or smart phones.

User Friendly Interface

On installation of these extensions, you will find that the user can use the platform with an ease without having to scratch his head.

Premium Support

For any query or help, you can count on us without having to think twice. Our team is available to help sort all your issues.

Doesn’t affect core files

Our extensions will only enhance the working of your store without affecting the existing store performance.

Fully Customizable

Our team of experts can customize these extensions as per your specific requirement. In other words, you don’t have to buy these extensions as they are but can also get these tailored for your needs.


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