- Category
- eCommerce 3
- Migration 1
- Offers 2
- SEO and Content 3
- Utilities 4
- Social Media 1
Wordpress Plugins
It is a known fact that WordPress is the most popular open source Content Management System (CMS). And because it is free to install, deploy and upgrade, a lot of people who are neither web designers or programmers prefer it. And, for all such people with little or no knowledge of coding at all, Premium WordPress Plugins are a great way of enhancing their website. Furthermore, we, the Dotsquares Stores have designed the plugins in a way that anybody can use it easily. So, turn your simple WordPress website into an exciting and attractive one with easy-to-install WordPress Plugins.
WP Offer Countdown Banner
With the help of this plugin offers can be display on site by using a banner slider image with a countdown timer. You can link this offer banner with a URL to offer page.
$19.00 -
DS Woocommerce Order Email ExportAn essential plugin to export customer's emails and other information from admin panel.Book a live demo$9.99
DS Woocommerce Next Previous Category ProductsDS Woocommerce plugin will show the navigation if the products has been added under any product category.Book a live demo$9.99
Migrate Posts With Images
This WordPress plug-in allows you to copy the wordpress post to remote server or other wordpress site. In admin panel, admin can add multiple domains with their ftp and database details. Database should be remotely allowed. Using plugin ‘Settings Page’ page, you can add and edit the domains.
$9.99 -
Google Map LocationsThis plugin lets you add a google map with locations with bubble.Book a live demo$29.00
TimelineTimeline plugin allows you to show historic or upcoming events as a timeline. You can manage events with following fields: event name, event year, event month, description, image and youtube video.Book a live demo$49.00