Joomla Extensions
Joomla offers a user-friendly framework and is a rich featured Content Management System (CMS). But it may lack certain features for which you can always use Joomla extensions of your choice and extend the functionality. Dotsquares Stores understands the fact that most of the people using the Joomla platform may not be programmers, and so offers easy to install extensions. Each one of these extensions has got a different and powerful functionality. All these are available at reasonable rates. You must read about each of these and purchase the one that suits your purpose the best.
UserlocationmapUsermap extension can be used to display your registered users on google map based on address values from registration form or the IP address.Book a live demo$19.00
DS Product Slider for VirtuemartThe DS Product Slider for Virtuemart module is a module to show products of Virtuemart component as a slideshowBook a live demo$19.00
DS Best Seller ProductsDS Best seller products is quite simple and easy to use module. No complex configuration options, no fancy things, purely shows your best selling products. Just install the extension, set the parameters depends on your needs and you are good to go.Book a live demo$19.00
Group Categories for JomSocialGroup Categories is a JomSocial extension that shows the categories of Group on whichever page you want. It list the categories and links of the Group within the Category it is created.Book a live demo$19.00
DS Monster
This component allows you to integrate your Template monster API into you Joomla site, and provides your users the ability to buy templates from your website. It shows template's categories, author name, price, preview etc. You are just required to create template monster affiliate API. This component works with Joomla 2.5+/3.0+
$19.00 -
Article Expiry NotifierThis plugin sends you email of article list which is going to expire after certain days. You can define number of days you want to get notified and email address where you want to receive notification (optional).Book a live demo$19.00