Magento 2.4.6 Release: Key Highlights for Online Stores

Magento has released its latest version, Magento 2.4.6, with various updates and improvements that can enhance your online store's security, performance, accessibility, and scalability. Let's take a look at some of the key highlights of this release and how they can benefit your online store:

Security Enhancements

  • As the new version is meant to be more secure, eight new security fixes and improvements have been added.
  • Admin action logs have been audited more specifically to detect and prevent security breaches and to fill in gaps in the logging.
  • A new system configuration setting has been added to require email confirmation when an admin user changes their email, reducing the risk of unauthorized access to the admin account.
  • A fix has been implemented for the reCAPTCHA validation failure issue that could occur during payment processing, resulting in increased security for your online store.

Platform Enhancements:

  • Magento 2.4.6 now supports PHP 8.2, ensuring the latest and secure technology.
  • Composer 2.2.x and ElasticSearch 8.x are now supported, and Redis 7.0.x is supported while Redis 6.2 remains compatible until April 2024.
  • With this new version, OpenSearch has become the default search engine for Adobe Commerce.
  • The DHL scheme has been migrated from v6.2 to v10.0, and outdated JavaScript libraries have been updated, making online stores more reliable and efficient.

Performance and Scalability Enhancements:

  • Magento 2.4.6 has made several performance and scalability enhancements, improving the speed and performance of online stores.
  • The category processing system has been improved, making it easier and faster to search categories with nested children trees, resulting in significant performance improvements.
  • Bulk cart operations have been optimized, speeding up the process of adding more than 500 simple or configurable products to the shopping cart.
  • Magento Open Source/Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 can now handle and process 1000 simultaneous orders in a minute, making it easier for store owners to handle high traffic.

Accessibility Updates:

  • Magento 2.4.6 lays more emphasis on the development of an improved retail experience on Venia (PWA) that is more accessible, functional, understandable, and resilient.
  • The visible label of the Sign in button now corresponds to its accessible name for improved accessibility.
  • In order to enhance the usability of the buttons for the users, they have been given more descriptive and memorable names.
  • Besides the button, the search filters have also undergone some great changes; now the filter shows verbal descriptive captions for Has Video checkboxes.

GraphQL Performance Enhancements:

  • Like many other great changes, Magento 2.4.6 has also implemented several enhancements that can help improve the performance of Magento 2 GraphQL, making online stores faster and more efficient. Some of these changes include:
  • Query response times for products in categories that have category permissions enabled and include multiple customer groups or shared catalogs have shown improvement.
  • The optimization of product permissions has resulted in better performance by applying them to product collections rather than individual products.
  • Bulk cart operations through GraphQL have also seen an improved response time.

Braintree Payment Features Upgrade:

Magento 2.4.6 includes a variety of enhancements to the Braintree payment system, such as enabling Pay Later buttons and banners.

Overall, these updates will make Magento 2.4.6 more secure, reliable, and efficient, enhancing the user experience for both customers and store owners.